Vyvene Andarys

A Dunmer girl, cultured scoundrel, with stark white hair and smooth gray skin, born of Blacklight, a skilled marksman, a headstrong and certain person, and ruthless and efficient Mercenary and Bounty Hunter.Vyvene's profession has afforded her the opportunity to travel all across the territory of the Ebonheart Pact, and even beyond. She frequents many locales in her homeland of Morrowind, and can make a special trip, just for you.


Gender:Transsexual Female
Sexuality:Monoamarous Pansexual
Date of Birth:19 Morning Star, 2E 567
Place of Birth:Blacklight, Morrowind
Age:24 (as of 2E 591)
Birthsign:The Ritual
Current Residence:Mournhold, Deshaan
Relationship status:Single
Religious Proclivities:Unorthodox Tribunal
Occupation:Bounty Hunter / Mercenary
Alignment:True Neutral

Personality and Traits

Socially, Vyvene is very calm, tempered, sure of herself, and talks perhaps a little less often the most. She's not by any means a blowhard, but she's confident in herself and carries herself in a way that smugness might seep into the swagger of her posture and movement.In her personal relationships, Vyv is kind and caring, often thoughtful of others and picks up on minor details people mention about themselves in conversation.Vyvene's interests include friendly competition, relaxing, reading, writing, practicing magic, and has a special interest in design in both interior design, armor design, weapon design, and printmaking, among other things. Her armor's somewhat unique coloration was intentioned to be a bold statement about breaking up the monotony of most armor smiths and tailors in Tamriel and their clients.Vyvene's dislikes include excessive talking, loud noises, interruptions, people who are all bark and no bite, people who misuse words, excessive conservatism, and philistinism, among other things.


Vyvene has soft medium gray skin, bright red eyes, and thick naturally white hair. She typically doesn't wear makeup unless for a special occasion, and prefers to wear either white or blue Dunmeri face-paint in dotted lines around her eyes and temples. Her thick hair is just below shoulder length and either center parted or side parted on the left and swept over to the right.Vyvene is very physically fit and has enough stamina to run and fight for as long as her enemies do. She has a somewhat low-fat physique with visible muscle all over her body, and doesn't tire easy from running or drawing her lighter-than-air Bound Bow.

Equipment and Wardrobe

Vyvene has a lightweight and flexible suit of Netch Leather armor that doesn't hinder her movement or stamina. She had it custom tailored in Silgrad, but only later dyed the arm leather red. The boots, notably, are the only metal plating in the armor, which was supposed to also cover her shoulders and arms, but an in-progress design change to all leather left only the boots and knees adorned with Quicksilver plating.Vyvene makes use of both a Bound Bow and Bound Swords, which she can freely cast into existence at will for whatever the situation demands. Vyvene prefers using bound weapons over physical weapons both because of the weight differences and ease of use, but also accessibility, and never being without a way to defend herself where she otherwise could be disarmed.

unorganized thoughts

Vyvene was born and raised in the city of Blacklight - the coldest city in morrowind, and the capitol of House Redoran. A warrior-esque culture prevails in the Redoran District, and Vyvene followed in the footsteps of her father, who was a bounty hunter before her. Having no familial ties to the Redoran Council, Vyvene never sought a career in poilitcs, though the subject of politics interests her, particularly in realms of idealism and how society could be better.However, that quasi-revolutionary idealism manifested itself in the arts. Vyvene, before becoming a full-time Bounty Hunter, was an aspiring and unknown artist, sculptor, and designer. Most of her art was dadaist or provocative in nature, though she had a very stark appreciation for finer arts and was semi-skilled in fine art.Vyv has a marked appreciation for practicality, however, though not at all in a 'safe' bourgeois sense. Less is more, and her refusal to use physical weapons in favor of bound spectral weapons is both laughably impractical as well as stunningly practical in a roundabout way. Of course, the artistry of daedric weapons is unmatched by mortal hands, and the color contrast of the blue weapon held by an arm adorned by a red bracer adds a little contrast and intention mixed in what are otherwise quite basic materials and fashioning.Bullet points
Believes in lesser and greater forms
Admires will to power
art, music, sex, sport, fighting, etc. all have bourgeois and aristocratic forms, and Vyv is intensely antidemocratic, unconcerned with the masses, unconcerned with mass opinion, unconcerned about mass religiosity. She is the center of her universe.Vyv believes in the Death of God, and applies this concept to the old deadra being the old gods who are dead in terms of their ability to influence and project upon the people of nirn, and embraces the Tribunal in a very un-doctrinal and unorthodox way, as the true gods of Morrowind, not because of the propaganda they have written about themselves and with which the dunmer are sated with, but in a Nietschean Ubermensch, individualistic, and initiated way. The Tribunal became Gods through their own aristocratism and heroicism, carved out their spot as gods themselves through enacting their will and persuasiveness, and therefore are the only gods of the Aurbis who have earned her respect.Vyvene practices Tantric sex, and believes that sex which isn't tantric in nature is base and lesser, although non tantric sex still has a role and purpose.

Character inspiration

wipBoba Fett (profession, parentage)
Friedrich Nietzsche (philosophy, will to power, death of god)
Julius Evola (philosophy, aristocraticism, tantric sex)
Fem Commander Shepard (armor, lesbianism)





Vyvene has yet to make any new friends in her roleplay travels, though she's open to meeting new people she can trust. Vyv mostly sticks to Morrowind, but she has been to nearly every corner of The Pact once before.


Vyvene observes the faith of the Tribunal temple formally, but isn't as strict of an adherent to the tenants and strictures of the faith as most other Redoran are, though she's certainly not as godless as a Telvanni mage.Vyvene practices dunmeri customs and traditions and venerates the Three, but their impact on her personal life and ethics are less than they otherwise could be.